In January we said yes to hosting a home community through our church.

I can't even begin to explain all the ways God has worked and changed our hearts by the study and relationships in our 'HC'. We get together (just about) every week and share a meal and then we talk about life and God.

We started off studying Nehemiah. What a story of urban renewal, prayer, repentance and God's graciousness and kindness toward us.

We multiplied our group to start another.
We moved into a study of the gospel movement and talked about some of the tangible ways we could step into what God is doing all around us.

We began sharing and praying.
We celebrated anniversaries, birthdays and welcomed new people.
We are making new friends.
People come early and stay late.
We started really sharing.
God is answering our prayers.
We welcomed baby Emelia.
We served each other and the city with meals.

Aaron and I are learning and growing closer.

God has changed my heart. I didn't want to let him for a while, but He didn't give up on loving me and neither did our HC...

I just have to say it takes time to really love someone. Don't you think? Time to try, fail and try again. There is no other way to practice what God says. You need others to help you. God has really used our HC to help me grow.

Anyway. We're launching home communities again this fall and I'm excited because our HC blog is going to feature more stories about what God is doing.

We'll keep you in the loop :)

Love to you all.

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